Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saving your Teeth with Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment (RCT) – It is a process to save a rotting, painful or sensitive tooth. 

Need OF RCT: - A number of indications of the need for root canal treatment may be

    1.  Feel pain in a sequence of regular beats
    2.  Sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet and sour foods
    3.  Infection in the teeth bone
    4.  Impulsive pain 

Root Canal Treatment

To remove infected nerve tissue that lies between the root of the tooth. If you do not remove it, your teeth get infected and you would lose it. The dentist removes the pulp and cleaned the root canal and sealed off to protect it.

The first step in a root canal is to obtain access to the nerve. This is accomplished by establishing a small access opening in the top of the tooth. It will be done under a local anesthetic.

 The length of the root canal is determined and the infected pulp is removed.  At the same visit, the canal where the nerve is located will be reshaped and prepared to accept a special root canal filling material. The number of visits necessary to complete your root canal will depend upon several factors including the number of nerves in the tooth, the infected state of the nerve, and the complexity of the procedure.

The final step in your root canal will be the sealing of the root canal with a sterile, plastic material called gutted percha. This is done in order to prevent possible future infection.

If treated early, root canal therapy need not be uncomfortable. With the use of local anesthetics, the entire procedure can be totally painless. 

First Your teeth are opened, and then your root canal is cleaned and shaped.

Cleaning and shaping your root canals

First, your dentist makes an opening in your tooth and removes any fillings and decay. Then your dentist removes unhealthy pulp with tiny, flexible, files. Using delicate, up-and-down motions, your dentist gently cleans and smoothens your canals to prepare them for the canal-filling materials.  

Your root canal is filled with dental materials such as gutta-percha and may be covered with a temporary filling.

Filling your root canals

After the pulp has been removed from your root canals and they have been smoothened, your root canals will be filled. Your dentist may fill the canals with tiny cone-shaped pieces of gutta-percha, a firm, rubber like material, or use another dental material. Sealer cement is used to seal the filling material into vacant place. 

Restoring your Tooth 

Your tooth has been treated fist. After the treatment of inside teeh, the outside will be restored. To protect your teeth underlying structures and gives your tooth a healthy appearance, and if your tooth needs extra support, your dentist may remove some gutta-percha and insert a post before the filling and crown is applied.  Stainless steel or other metal is cemented into your root canal to construct up your tooth after RCT. 

During the filling, typically silver or a tooth-colored dental substance may be used to fill the opening in the top of your tooth. A crown, generally gold or porcelain may be used to cover a tooth that has a large opening after root canal treatment.